First Time in Wasteland

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So, you’ve set up your base, got a good foothold in the city, and have some decent weapons and armor. You’re thinking maybe it’s time to work your way into the wasteland.

Well, what should you bring for your first time?

  • Gas mask or breathing filter modules. Breathing filter modules can be right clicked with any gas mask equipped to fully repair the gas mask.
  • Biohazard gas mask (recommended, has armor)
  • Tier 3 Fully Enchanted Protection IV Armor (minimum)
  • Tier 4 Armor (recommended, if you can craft it)
  • Bare essentials, like water, food, armor repair items, blocks, first aid items & sleeping bag.

You will likely die a lot until you can loot the wasteland to get better gear (like tier 4 armor), so that’s why for your first time it isn’t recommended to bring your best gear (unless it’s tier IV).

For the most part, you can run away from most things in the wasteland, so try not get hit as it will most likely result in death (especially with the bare minimum gas mask with no armor, and tier 3 armor.)

It would be a good idea to set up a mini-base outside the wasteland so if you die, you are close by and can retrieve your lost items. Don't forget to craft a second gas mask.