Armor Sets

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Armor sets give specific bonuses when worn, and the weapon of the set is used. You can find these bonuses by hovering over a certain set and pressing Shift + Control.

All armor sets can be crafted in addition to being drops.

This page is in progress.

Tier 1 Armor Sets

These are armor set made from leather armor.

Anarchist Set

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

The full armor set bonus provides +1 luck.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

GuyFawkes.png Guy Fawkes
AnarchyBody.png Anarchy Body
AnarchyLeg.png Anarchy Leggings
AnarchyBoot.png Anarchy Boots

Fire Fighter Set

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

Using any 4 parts of the set gives fire resistance and the full set bonus provides fire resistance and +150% damage.

When combined with the fire axe of any type you can deal 22.5 damage if critical.

Can be Repaired with Hoglin Hide.

Valid pieces:

FireHead.png FireFighter Helmet
FireBody.png FireFighter Chestplate
FireLeg.png FireFighter Leggings
FireBoot.png FireFighter Boots
FireAxeY.png Fire Axe
FireAxeB.png Fire Axe
EmergencyAxe.png Emergency Axe

Forest Guard Set

This armor set can be found rarely in police stations or by killing zombies wearing this set

The full armor set bonus provides +15% ranged damage.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

Forestguardhat.png Forestguard Helmet
Forestguardbody.png Forestguard Chestplate
Forestguardleg.png Forestguard Leggings
Forestguardboots.png Forestguard Boots

Ghillie Suit Sets

This armor is crafted and comes in 3 different kinds: sand, snow and grass.

They all have the same set bonus of +50% increased speed on the block of its respective type.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

SnowghillieHead.pngGhilliehelmet.pngDesertghilliehead.png Ghillie Helmet
Snowghilliebody.pngGhilliechest.pngDesertghillibody.png Ghillie armor
Snowghillielegs.pngGhillielegs.pngDesertghillielegs.png Ghillie Leggings
Snowghillieboots.pngGhillieboots.pngDesertghillieboots.png Ghillie Boots

Hunting Set

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

Using any 2 parts of the set provides +10% attack speed while the full armor set bonus provides +150% melee damage and +15% attack speed.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

UshankaHuntingHat.png Ushanka Hunting Hat
HuntingVest.png Hunting Vest
Huntingknife.png Hunting Knife

Nurse Armor Set

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set or in hospitals

Using any 4 parts of the set gives health boost II, the full set bonus provides +150% melee damage and 4 extra hearts.

When combined with scissors you can deal 7.5 damage if critical and with the scalpel its 15 damage.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

NurseHead.png Nurse Helmet
NurseBody.png Nurse Chestplate
NurseLeg.png Nurse Leggings
NurseBoots.png Nurse Boots
ScissorsS.png Scissors
ScissorsB.png Scissors
Scalpel.png Scalpel

Police Officer Set

This is one of the most common armor sets, found in police stations and by killing zombie police officers or zombies wearing it.

Using any 4 parts of the set gives a bonus of +10% melee damage while the full set bonus gives +150% melee damage and a slowness effect when hitting enemies.

When combined with the night stick you can deal 15.6 damage if critical and with the electric baton its 23.4 damage.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

PoliceHead.png Police Helmet
PoliceChest.png Police Chestplate
PoliceLeg.png Police Leggings
PoliceBoot.png Police Boots
NightStick.png Night Stick
ElectircBaton.png Electric Baton

Tier 2 Armor Sets

These are the second tier armor sets which are upgraded from chainmail armor.

Vanilla Armor Sets

These are made from iron, zinc and copper armor.

They do not have any bonuses or effects from a set.

Army General Set

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

The full armor set bonus provides +20% melee damage and +20% stamina.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

PeakedCap.png Peaked Cap
Generalbody.png General Chest
Generalleg.png General Leggings
Generalboot.png General Boots

Construction Worker Set

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

Using any 4 pieces of this set grants Haste II.

The full set bonus provides +150% melee damage and Haste II.

Can be Repaired with Cloth, Iron, or Leather.

Valid pieces:

Constructionhelmet.png Construction Helmet
Construction Vest.png High Visibility Vest
Construction Leggings.png Jeans
Boots.png Boots
Construction Axe.png Construction Axe
Construction Shovel.png Construction Shovel

Cyclist and Motorcyclist Sets

Wearing any of the helmets grants immunity to blindness and nausea.

Cant be repaired?

Valid pieces:

Red motorclycle.pngBlack motorclycle.pngBlue motorclycle.png Motorcycle Helmet
Bikershelmetred.pngBikershelmetgreen.pngBikershelmetblack.pngBikerhelmetblue.png Bikers Helmet

Fighter Sets

There are different colors of this armor set: red and blue

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

Equipping any 3 parts of the set grants +15% Melee Damage and +15% Attack Speed

The full set bonus provides +75% melee damage, +30% attack speed. and +10% movement speed.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

Blu Fighter Helmet.pngRed Fighting Helmet.png Fighting Helmet
Blue fighting body.pngRed Fighter Body.png Fighting Chestplate
Blue fighting leggins.pngRed Fighter Leggings.png Fighting Leggings
RedBoxingGlove.pngBlueBoxingGlove.png Boxing Gloves
RedBoxingGlove.pngReiforcedBlueBoxingGlove.png Reinforced Boxing Gloves

Football Sets

There are different colors of this armor set: yellow, blue, red and black

This armor set is obtainable by killing zombies wearing this set.

The full armor set bonus provides +30% movement speed.

The colours are interchangeable and retain full set bonus when different colour pieces are used together.

Can be Repaired with Zinc Sheets.

Valid pieces:

FootballHelmetBlue.pngFootballHelmetRed.pngFootballHelmetYellow.pngFootballHelmetBlack.png Football Helmet
FootballChestBlue.pngFootballChestRed.pngFootballChestYellow.pngFootballChestBlack.png Football Chest
FootballLegBlue.pngFootballLegRed.pngFootballLegYellow.pngFootballLegBlack.png Football Leggings
FootballBootsBlue.pngFootballBootsRed.pngFootballBootsYellow.pngFootballBootsBlack.png Football Boots

Gas Mask

The full armor set bonus grants immunity to Radiation.

Royal Canada Police Officer Set

This armor set can be found in the first sub level of the Hybrid Timber Tower and in Police Station's.

Using any 4 pieces of this set, you receive a bonus +10 movement speed.

The full armor set bonus provides +30% pistol damage and +10 movement speed.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

Royalcanadahat.pngRoyal Canada Police Officer Hat
Royalcandachest.pngRoyal Canada Police Officer Suit
Royalcandapants.pngRoyal Canada Police Officer Leggings
Royalcandaboots.pngRoyal Canada Police Officer Boots
  • Any Pistol

Tier 2.5 Armor Sets

All armor sets above 2.5 are required to be made in a mechanical crafter. Armor sets in this section sit between 2 and 3 because while having less in armor stats then tier 3 armor sets, provides unique bonuses and utility.

Andesite Exoskeleton

This armor set makes you faster but it makes you weaker.

Wearing this exoskeleton affects you with Haste II and Weakness.

Consumes burnable fuels to function.

Brass Exoskeleton

This armor set provides a balance both extra speed and strength.

Wearing this exoskeleton affects you with Strength and Haste.

Consumes water and fuel to function.

Copper Exoskeleton

This armor set makes you stronger but it makes you slower.

Wearing this exoskeleton affects you with Strength II and Mining fatigue.

Consumes water to function.

Hazmat Suit Armor Set

The helmet is apart of the Radiation Protection set thus wearing only the helmet is enough to resist the wastelands radiation.

The full set bonus grants immunity to Poison, Infection, Toxic fumes and Gooed.

Can be Repaired with Lead Plates.

Valid pieces:

  • HazmatHelmet.pngHazmat Helmet
  • HazmatBody.pngHazmat Body
  • HazmatLegs.pngHazmat Leggings
  • HazmatBoots.pngHazmat Boots

Biohazard Set

The helmet is apart of the Radiation Protection set thus wearing only the helmet is enough to resist the wastelands radiation.

The full set bonus grants immunity to Poison, Nausea, Blindness, Infection, Mutagen sickness, Toxic fumes and Gooed.

This set is a direct upgrade to Hazmat.

You can mix and match colours of this set.

Can be Repaired with Rubber.

Valid pieces:

Biohazardhelmet.png Biohazard Helmet
Biohazardchest.png Biohazmat Body
Biohazardlegs.png Biohazmat Leggings
Biohazardboots.png Biohazmat Boots

Tier 3 Armor Sets

These armor sets require advanced materials and are made mainly in the mechanical crafter. These sets can also be found in the Military Base.

Military Beret Armor Set

There are 4 different armor types with this armor set

The full armor set bonus is +10% attack speed, +10% jump height, and +1 knockback strength.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Military Riot Armor Set

The full armor set bonus grants +10% incoming damage reduction, +20% attack speed, +5% stamina, and when attacking it applies Slowness II and Stun II.

Can be Repaired with High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Pkm4gasmask.png PKM-4 Gas Mask
Hamstergasmask.png PBF Hamster Gas Mask
MilitaryRiotHelmet.png Military Riot Armor Helmet
MilitaryRiotChestplate.png Military Riot Armor Body
MilitaryRiotLeggings.png Military Riot Armor Leggings
MilitaryRiotBoots.png Military Riot Armor Boots

National Army Armor Set

There are 8 different types of armor with the same set effect, the Italian and Brazilian are the only exceptions.

The full armor set bonus is +30% melee damage and +15% ranged damage.

Can be Repaired with Iron.

UN Peacekeeper Set

The full armor set bonus grants +10% movement speed and +20% attack speed.

Can be Repaired with Cloth.

Valid pieces:

UN Helmet.png UN Helmet
UN Chestplate.png UN Chestplate
UN Leggings.png UN Leggings
UN Boots.png UN Boots

Urban Military Armor Set

Using any of the 4 pieces of the set it provides:

  • +15% Melee damage
  • +15% Movement speed
  • +0.5 Step height
  • +Weakness immunity.

Using the full set(armor+any sniper) grants:

  • +15% sniper damage
  • +15% melee damage
  • +15% movement speed
  • +0.5 step height
  • +Weakness immunity.

Can be Repaired with High_Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Pkm4gasmask.png PKM-4 Gas Mask
Hamstergasmask.png PBF Hamster Gas Mask
Urbanhead.png Military Urban Helmet
Urbanbody.png Military Urban Body
Urbanleggings.png Military Urban Leggings
Urbanboots.png Military Urban Boots
M24.png M24
M82a2.png M82A3 .50
AWM.png AWM .338 Lapua
Scar mk20.png SCAR MK20
Barrett MRAD.png Barrett MRAD

PKM-4 Gas Mask

This gas mask is part of these armor sets:

  • Military Riot Armor set
  • National Army Armor set
  • Radiation Protection Armor set
  • Royal Canada Police Armor set
  • Urban Military Armor set

Tier 4 Armor Sets

These armor sets are all made from rare and hard to obtain materials, they are made in the mechanical crafter. These sets can be found in the Military Base on the lowest level.

Bomb Squad Armor Set

The full armor set bonus gives +60% incoming damage reduction, -40% movement speed, and immunity to the Weakness debuff. Can be Repaired with High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Hamstergasmask.png PBF Hamster Gas Mask
Bombhelmet.png Bomb Squad Helmet
Bombchest.png Bomb Squad Body
Bombleggings.png Bomb Squad Leggings
Bombboots.png Bomb Squad Boots

Juggernaut Armor Set

When wearing only 4 pieces of the set it gives +40% incoming damage reduction, -30% movement speed, and Weakness immunity.

The full armor set bonus gives +25% shotgun damage, +40% incoming damage reduction, -30% movement speed, and Weakness immunity.

Can be Repaired with High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Hamstergasmask.png PBF Hamster Gas Mask
Juggernauthelmet.png Juggernaut Helmet
Juggernautbody.png Juggernaut Body
Juggernautlegs.png Juggernaut Leggings
Juggernautboots.png Juggernaut Boots
Db short.png Sawed Double Barrel
Aa 12.png AA-12
M870 classic.png M870 Classic
M1014.png Benelli M1014

Soldier Armor Set

The helmet is also part of the Radiation protection suit armor set.

When wearing only 4 pieces of the set it gives +20% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +0.5 step height, and immunity to the Weakness debuff.

The full armor set bonus gives +25% heavy weapon damage, +20% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +0.5 step height, and immunity to Weakness.

Can be Repaired with Iron or High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Nightvisionhelmet.png OPS Night Vision Goggles
Soldiergasmask.png Soldier Gas Mask
Soldierbody.png Spec OPS Chest
Soldierlegs.png Spec OPS Legging
Soldierboots.png Spec OPS Boots
Any Assault Rifle (im lazy)

Spec Ops Armor Set

When wearing only 4 pieces of the set it gives +20% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +0.5 step height, and immunity to the Weakness debuff.

The full armor set bonus is +25% rifle damage, +20% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +0.5 step height, and immunity to Weakness.

Can be Repaired with Iron or High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Nightvisionhelmet.png OPS Night Vision Goggles
Soldiergasmask.png Soldier Gas Mask
Specopschest.png Spec OPS Chest
Specopslegs.png Spec OPS Legging
Specopsboots.png Spec OPS Boots
Any Heavy Weapon (im lazy)

Swat Armor Set

When wearing only 4 pieces of the set it gives +20% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +15% attack speed and Weakness immunity.

The full armor set bonus is +25% SMG damage , +20% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +15% attack speed and Weakness immunity.

Can be Repaired with Iron or High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Hamstergasmask.png PBF Hamster Gas Mask
Swathelmet.png S.W.A.T Helmet
Swatarmor.png S.W.A.T Body
Swatlegs.png S.W.A.T Leggings
Swatboots.png S.W.A.T Boots
Any Heavy Weapon (im lazy)

Swat Riot Armor Set

When wearing only 4 pieces of the set it gives +30% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +15% attack speed and Weakness immunity.

The full armor set bonus is +50% melee damage, +30% damage reduction, +15% movement speed, +15% attack speed and Weakness immunity.

Can be Repaired with Iron or High-Resistance Fabric.

Valid pieces:

Hamstergasmask.png PBF Hamster Gas Mask
SwatRiotarmor.png S.W.A.T Helmet
SwatRiotbody.png S.W.A.T Body
SwatRiotpants.png S.W.A.T Leggings
SwatRiotboots.png S.W.A.T Boots
coming soon (im lazy)

PBF Hamster Gas Mask

This gas mask is part of these armor sets:

  • Bomb Squad Armor set
  • Juggernaut Armor set
  • Radiation Protection Armor set
  • Swat Armor set
  • Swat Riot Armor set

Radiation Protection Armor Set

Grants Radiation immunity and safe passage to the Wasteland.

Valid pieces:

  • PKM-4 Gas Mask
  • PBF Hamster Gas Mask
  • Biohazard Helmet
  • Soldier Gas Mask
  • Hazmat Helmet
  • Gas Mask
  • Contamination Suit Helmet

This page is in progress. More information to be added.