Body Parts

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First aid brings the limb health system. Your body is seperated into body parts each with their own amount of health. The parts are as follows; Head, Torso, Left arm, Right arm, Left Leg, Right Leg, Left foot and Right foot.

You can always check your actual body health by opening the First Aid UI with H. Your head is the most important part of the body. If it loses all of its health, you will instantly die. Damage is locational. For example, if you take fall damage, your feet and legs will take damage.

If a body part goes below 50% of it's health, Health debuffs will kick in. Health debuffs are as follows: Arms - Mining Fatigue Legs and feet - Slowness (which stacks).

If your head takes fatal damage, you'll be blinded temporarily. Always check your health. Natural Regeneration is disabled in this pack due to bugs. However there are alternatives. Healing items such as Bandages, Plasters, Medkits, Suture Kits, The Instant Health effect, Regeneration effect, etc.