Special Infected

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Wheezer farmer.png

It wears a straw hat and carries a bag with wheat inside.

An undead farmer infected with a massive tumor sack on its face in addition to lung cancer, allowing it to spread its disease after a long (sucking in air) animation.

Its base form is pretty much just a normal zombie with a little more health and no armour, thus making them easy to deal with. Its pink breath attack has a long windup and immobilizes them, giving the player more than enough time to kill them or flee.

Getting hit by it is not uncommon though. The attack goes through blocks and the range is largish, making it annoying to dodge if you're dealing with other mobs.

Wheezer axe wide.png

The Axe Variant gains an iron axe with a base damage of 12 and two buffs: Strength 4 and Speed.


  • Coughs a cloud of particles that obscures the vision of the player and applies weakness 2. It also applies resistance 2 and speed to nearby mobs if they are in range.
  • You can cut off its head to prevent it from breathing on you.
  • Fire will instantly kill it.
  • Its stays still when breathing, giving the player an easy opportunity to kill it or dodge away.



  • Health: 25
  • Damage: 3
  • Armor: 2

Axe Variant:

  • Health: 25
  • Damage: 12
  • Armor: 2


  • Anywhere in the overworld
  • Hordes
  • Light level of 3 or less
  • Follow range of 32 blocks

Breath Charge up:




The Bomber

An infected Steve with large yellow tumors covering its torso and head.

An easy zombie to deal with as long as the player maintains their spatial awareness. Its fairly tanky and fast, and takes no knockback so either just kill it before it starts charging or roll away once you see it charging its explosion. Beware of its explosion, as it will deal damage and apply the "goo'ed" effect which severely obscures your vision and deals damage over time. If you're behind a thin wall the bomber's explosion will go through it.

Follow Range of 36 blocks.


  • Ability to charge a self destruct

Base Stats:

  • Health: 35
  • Damage: 3
  • Armor: 2


  • Plains
  • Savanna
  • Sunflower Plains
  • Snowy Plains
  • Snowy Taiga
  • Grove
  • Field
  • Lavender Field





Preg and bidy.png

A large fat zombie whose arms drag along the ground.

Never seen along without being accompanied, this zombie is very tanky, deals a respectable amount of damages and will throw you around. In addition it will puke a large amount of fluid, dealing poison damage. It will also send small baby sized zombies called bidys after you if you get too far.

The two types:

  • Hospitals
    • Spawns in Light level of 3 or less
  • Military base & Labs
    • Spawns in Light level of 3 or less
    • Increased HP, Dmg, and armor

Follow range of 54 blocks.


  • Always spawn with 4 zombies.
  • Can only puke in 8 directions.
  • Will take more physical damage when on fire.
  • Spits goo at the player.
  • Can summon multiple bidies in range of a player.
  • The Pregnant can launch players far due to its extreme knockback.
  • Its body slam move does additional damage(15).
  • Upon death it will slam into the ground doing AOE.
  • Can control other mobs to attack its target.

Base Stats:

  • Health: 100
  • Damage: 8
  • Armor: 3

Hospital Variant:

  • Health: 100
  • Damage: 8
  • Armor: 11

Wasteland Variant:

  • Health: 130
  • Damage: 13
  • Armor: 9






The Bidy

Bidy closeup.png

The Pregnant spawns several of these if you get too far from it, which are basically miniature versions of the bomber zombie. They are small and quickly crawl towards you, and can be difficult to deal with in a timely manner when surrounded by other zombies.

Quick melee attacks are a good way to deal with them, as well as hipfiring with guns.


  • Spawns only from The Pregnant.
  • Explode when killed or in range of a target.
  • Can also hide in blocks.

The ones that spawn in military bases and the lab are much stronger and tanker. They have a follow range of 32 blocks.

Base Stats:

  • Health: 10
  • Damage: 3
  • Explosion Damage: a lot?
  • Armor: 0

Wasteland Variant:

  • Health: 40
  • Damage: 8
  • Explosion Damage: ?
  • Armor: 6


Moonflower reg.png

An armless zombie with black vines wrapped around its body, its head is pale with no facial features. Instead a black circle is on its face and has black petals around its head. They're very fast, and sometimes jump you in large groups. They have a follow range of 28 blocks.

Glitter lab.png
Moonflower lab alt.png

There is also a juiced up variant called the Glitter. They only spawn in labs or military bases and are tankier, hit harder, and move 25% faster.

Regular Moonflowers can also spawn in labs and military bases, with higher health than usual.


There isn't any code I can find specifically increasing the health for regular Moonflowers (not Glitters) that spawn in military bases/labs, so it might not be intentional behavior. I think the reason they have extra HP in these areas could be because the code usually subtracts 16 from a Moonflower's health when it spawns in cities in a list of biomes. But the biome list doesn't include Wastelands, so ones that spawn there don't have that HP taken away. That increase still wouldn't get them up to the hearts I've seen them at in labs, though, so it might be more complicated than that.


  • Very Fast
  • Comes in groups
  • Anything affected by moonflower scent will make them target it


  • Mediterranean Forest
  • Mystic Grove
  • Cherry Blossom Grove
  • Bamboo Grove
  • Clover Patch
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Fir Clearing
  • Shrubland
  • Scrubland
  • Grassland
  • Pasture
  • Prairie
  • Dryland
  • Lavender Forest
  • Forested Field
  • Stony Shore

Base Stats:

  • Health: 14
  • Damage: 4
  • Armor: 0

The Glitter:

  • Health: 80
  • Damage: 24
  • Armor: 16

The Ordure

It looks like a dark mass with a head. Its smallish and looks like a black circle.

It sends out ranged exploding attacks and will explode after a delay after death.

Will spawn anywhere with a roof.


  • Spawns on ceilings only.
  • Fire Ranged attacks
  • Explodes on death.

Base Stats:

  • Health: 50
  • Damage: 8+(plus fire damage)
  • Death Damage: >=60
  • Armor: 2


Spitter reg.png

It's green and armless. It also runs super fast.

It will spit a long range green acid and WILL do massive damage to your head and kill you if your slightly unlucky. Its regular variant is VERY squishy and dies easily.

Spitter lab.png

Two variants, they both spawn in wastelands but the stronger variant only spawns in military bases and labs.

The Base version only spawns in wastelands and the following biomes:

  • Mediterranean Forest
  • Mystic Grove
  • Cherry Blossom Grove
  • Bamboo Grove
  • Clover Patch
  • Pumpkin Patch
  • Fir Clearing
  • Shrubland
  • Scrubland
  • Grassland
  • Pasture
  • Prairie
  • Dryland
  • Lavender Forest
  • Forested Field
  • Stony Shore


  • Fast
  • Ranged acid attack
  • Low amount of HP

Base Stats:

  • Health: 8
  • Damage: 3
  • Armor: 4
  • Ranged: Spits at player, Spit does 2 damage every 1.5 seconds

Military/Lab Variant:

  • Health: 38
  • Damage: 8
  • Armor: 6
  • Ranged: Spits at player, Spit does 2 damage every 1.5 seconds

The Heavy

A slightly bigger then average green zombie, its slouched over and has massive arms with its knuckles that drag on the floor. Its big white eyes are very noticeable and are pretty fast.


This mob has a lot of special attacks that might making melee fighting difficult.


  • Smash: A heavy hit that has a lot of knockback
  • Counter Punch: A counter that also gives you knockback
    • Has a chance to happen when you hit it while its blocking
    • You can cut off its arms by attacking right after his counter punch
  • Stone Throw: Throws a rock that does AOE and fire damage
    • Stone breaks instantly if thrown
  • Stone Smash: A unblockable heavy attack that does increased knockback
    • Can only use three times per Stone before it breaks, its last use before it breaks will be Stone Crashing Smash instead of Stone Smash
  • Stone Crashing Smash: A upgraded version of the previous technique that also sets you on fire and gives you slowness
  • Roar: Forces players to be feared(screen locked) and spawns some fire stuff. Also launches nearby entities
    • Is invincible while performing this technique

Spawning: Will only spawn in military bases or in laboratorys Will also spawn in hordes

Base Stats:

  • Health: 250
  • Damage: 25
  • Armor: 38
  • Melee and Ranged attacks


Massive green stegosaurus looking thing(it has big white bone fins on its back). It looks like some kinda of mutated pig with its stubby lil legs and curly tail. Also its face just looks like a pig. These lads will only spawn in laboratory or military bases.


This mob also has a bunch of wacky ability's.

  • Body slam: Aoe damage and knockback
  • Body Launching: Strong hit that knocks you back, also has a change to explode.
  • Swallow: Strong Attack that locks you and goo's. Can block it.
  • Will leave a body on death.(will do wacky things when destoryed)
  • Will dig away sometimes.(projectile resistant)

Base Stats:

  • Health: 295
  • Damage: 23
  • Armor: 40

The Spectre

A cold type zombies, it sort of resembles a dentist. It has glowing eyes and a little backpack. They will only spawn in laboratory or military bases.


  • Always invisible till attacked(will regain invisibility)
  • Breaking their backpack will cause a aoe gas that will make other mobs invisible.

Base Stats:

  • Health: 85
  • Damage: 18
  • Armor: 10

Parasitic Shooter

A large flying mob that resembles a dark sphere with long tendrils. Will only spawn in the abyss.


  • Will fire projectiles that cause poison, weakness and mutagen sickness.
  • Will summon miters.
  • 128 block follow range.

Base Stats:

  • Health: 190
  • Damage: 60(melee?)
  • Armor: 20