Pre-generate Chunks

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Pre-generate Chunks

The reason for pre-generate chunks is very simple, it is to avoid the constant lagging came from chunk loading whenever player is exploring outside of pre-existing chunks, this issue usually causes the player experience "Waiting for Server" problem or the mobs/entity in the level freeze at random points due to the player's high-speed travelling.

Waiting For Server.png

Pre-generate is more effective in dedicated server compared to single player, as single player requires player to be must in the game, while dedicated server player can choose to let it run in background when not playing the game.

In order to pre-generate the chunks, player will need op permission to access the commands, or the dedicated server itself.


Usually, radius within 5k ~ 10k blocks is more than enough for a small server of 3 players. Any more than that, 20k block is the maximum that you'll like to go for as it is an insane high amount of chunks need to pre-generate, and often will take a very long time to do so. Below are the listed commands:

/chunky radius <X> <Z>

Chunky radius is used to set how far that you'll want to pre-generate the world chunks, and it is measured with blocks, not chunks.

E.G For setting up a 5000x5000 radius pre-generation of chunks, doing /chunky radius 5000 or /chunky radius 5000 5000, both will do.

/chunky center <X> <Z>

Chunky center is used to set where is the pre-generation of the chunks going to start at.

E.G For setting up the pre-generation chunk starting at X = 1000, Z = 1000, just doing /chunky center 1000 1000 will be sufficient.

As for using player's current position, running /chunky center will do as long as player runs the command.

/chunky shape <Shape>

/chunky start

Chunky start is very straightforward, essentially starts the pre-generation of the chunks based on the settings you've tweaked.

/chunky pause

Chunky pause is often used if you don't want the pre-generation to interrupt your gameplay with the lag when you decide to join the dedicated server, this will pause the current progress of the pre-generation.

/chunky continue

Chunky continue allows you to continue the current progress of the pre-generation of chunks that you've paused.

/chunky cancel

Chunky cancel essentially eliminates your current task of chunk pre-generation, during this time you can re-tweak your setting if wanted to and start again with /chunky start.